XYZ was in the police force for nearly 20 years before medically retiring due to PTSD. Since leaving the police force ten years earlier as a Sergeant, he had struggled to find consistent let alone satisfying work. He was extremely disheartened and frustrated with the roles that the traditional rehab provider’s vocational assessment recommended – a pet shop owner, working in a council animal removal service. He had tried working for himself in security, but the work was intermittent, paid very little and unrewarding in every way. Over the years that followed after leaving policing, he found he was drinking more, resulting in his marriage breaking down and he was about to lose his house. He had given up hope of every returning to a normal life again.
Although sceptical at first that the services that Career Management Services offered would be any different from any of the rehabilitation and vocational services he had experienced in the last 10 years before but felt he “had nothing else to lose”. Once CMS were able to gain his trust and build rapport through the career consultations, he started to understand he had a suite of highly transferable skills, was not only valued in civilian life but in high demand, and that there were a range of new opportunities out there for him. Roles were identified which were at level with his previous position, and aligned with his background, strengths and interests. With support and guidance from the CMS consultant and writing team, XYZ began applying for roles and obtaining interviews.
After a few months of mentoring, coaching and advice XYZ was able to successfully secure a permanent role as a State Business Development Manager on a salary of $140k plus bonuses. He not only enjoys the role and is flourishing in his new position, he states that he has a “new lease on life”.

When XST was referred to Career Management Services, he was an ex- Detective who had been detached following a 20 year career with NSW Police Force as he was no longer fit for operational duties due to stress related mental health issues. In the 5 years since he had left policing, he has applied for numerous roles with no success, struggling to even get an interview, and when he did was finding himself unable to get through to the next stage. XST was feeling depressed with no career, no permanent job and had resigned himself to living on a pension and doing a variety of menial contracts and short-term roles.
With his earlier experience in the police force and his role as a detective, XST had developed very strong investigative and compliance skills, plus possessed a background in training, workplace health and safety. The team at CMS worked closely with him to identify these transferable skills, and develop an indepth understanding of his experience and the areas of work that he was motivated by and interested in. Unsurprisingly XST was passionate about protecting people and ensuring the safety of the community, with his skills and experience, and leadership ability it held him in good stead for a senior Work Health Safety (WHS) role. CMS then worked with him to ensure that he knew where these skills were needed in the employment market, and how to find the opportunities and optimise his applications for these roles. CMS provided a detailed understanding and technique on how to effectively articulate his experience in interview situations to a corporate audience.
Although, initially XST refused to have any interview coaching and coaching support, as he was confident in his own ability to communicate his experience, after multiple interviews followed by rejection after rejection, he finally gave in to CMS coaching him. What he realised after the first question is that the gory murder scene that he described in graphic detail that he used for his WHS example was a great story for the pub and other police officers, but not for a civilian job interview.
After this session the next interview he had for a national WHS manager role for a large construction secured him a permanent role on a $150k plus bonuses.
Senior Constable XAB was 29 years old when discharged from NSW Police Force where he had been injured and could no longer return to operational duties. He no longer felt the need to work full time but did not want to be on WorkCover for the rest of his life. He had not worked for the last 2 years at the time of referral to Career Management Services (CMS). His dream was to work part time and cover his salary and spend the rest of the time down the beach surfing and enjoying life.
During the Career Assessment it was identified that in his earlier career before policing, he had started a plumbing apprenticeship. From his time with NSW Police Force, XAB had acquired a reasonable amount of training experience which he really enjoyed. Working with CMS’s writing team and CMS career consultant we helped him to secure two part-time roles as a facilitator/lecturer training apprentice plumbers which amounted to 30 hours a week, at a couple of the local TAFE colleges. He is now working 30 hours a week, earning $150k to $160k on average (well above pre-injury earnings) and living his dream!
“I went from having a successful career with over 21 years in the police force as a senior constable, to being lucky to pick up a day or two of work a month. I was depressed, anxious and both my esteem and career were at the lowest point in my life…to now living the dream!”

Senior Constable X
When Senior Constable X met with Career Management Services (CMS) she was depressed and anxious, and had been looking for work with the help of a traditional rehabilitation provider after being medically discharged due to PTSD, over 2 years ago, after twenty-one years of service with NSW Police Force. Since detaching from the Police Force, she had numerous unsuccessful job applications, and had only been able to secure work one or two days per month, although she had the capacity to do up to 3 days a week. She was frustrated and demotivated, feeling like she still had no idea on what she could do outside of policing, other than a possible career in security. Her esteem and career were at the lowest point in her life, feeling like she had no value in the job market.
X was appointed a dedicated CMS career consultant who undertook an indepth career assessment. He developed a strong understanding of X’s past experience and present situation, her career to date, her strengths, passions and motivations. Her consultant soon identified that X, had highly transferrable skills. During her earlier career in the police force, X had a significant amount of exposure to administration and reporting; these skills were a real strength for her and an area she thoroughly enjoyed. Once X realised, she had a lot of skills to offer to the corporate world the CMS Consultant worked with her to understand both her value in the market, how to communicate this and who would want these skills. Through the career assessments and regular weekly conversations X gradually started to hope again, regaining confidence in her abilities and background, and really became engaged in finding work. Her motivation and engagement started to build, as discussions with her about the roles she could do and the type of companies that would look for these skills progressed. X became interested in a course in MYOB. With her administrative skills and MYOB skills would hold her in good stead for and give her an advantage for a number of roles. Tasked with finding a permanent part time role to meet her work capacity, CMS produced her targeted personal branding documents including professional resume and cover letter; conducted coaching sessions for job search strategies, telephone interview screening to targeting administration jobs. The recommended MYOB course was arranged and CMS identified various jobs of interest for discussion, such as Medical Receptionist, Administration Assistant; Client Support and Admin; Receptionist; and Office Admin. Once suitable roles and potential employers were identified to be a good fit her, she started applying for roles.
After a few weeks with CMS ended up securing her an interview as a receptionist. Before she went in, CMS provided her with coaching for her interview. Although X suffered from PTSD and anxiety, due to the interview preparation provided she was well able to feel confident, being well prepared, knowing what to expect and handling the situation with greater certainty for the face to face interview. The interview went well – X secured the role, and is now happily working in a receptionist role close to home.
Although X had not worked for two long years, after 8 weeks with CMS she is working once more, close to home in a job that not only meets her capacity, has given her a steady and dependable income with a bonus incentive plan.
“I’m again in a role that I absolutely love, with a team that is great to work with.” X